Student Learning Support
Student Learning Support at CHS aims to improve the academic experience for all students by supporting and motivating you to do the best work you can and by developing skills for succeeding with your academic studies and improving your job-readiness. Our academic support is delivered via the following three main channels: online academic skills resources, individual and small group consultations, and in-class skill development.
We can help you with
Students are able to book individual or small group consultations with a Learning and Teaching Advisor for assistance with study-related issues and help with academic skills. For example, we can help you:
understand the requirements and format of different types of assessments, such as essays, case studies and reports;
prepare a plan or outline for an upcoming assessment;review a draft assessment and discuss areas of strength and areas for improvement;
learn specific skills and develop strategies for paraphrasing, referencing, using linking words, reading academic texts, editing your work, and so on;
break down feedback you received on an assessment and work out a plan for improving your next assessment;
improve your time management; and
develop strategies for exam preparation.
Consultations can be:
face-to-face on campus,
via phone or video conference (Zoom), or
via email.
To access resources or to book a consultation with a Learning Advisor, please visit the Learning Support and Library website.